Open Project Laravel
When the development tools are setup you can continue by setting up the Laravel project first
Last updated
When the development tools are setup you can continue by setting up the Laravel project first
Last updated
Open the Laravel API/forumapp
directory using VSCode or any of your favorite development tools for the Laravel project.
and edit the .env file and configure your local database connection
You also need install a composer dependency for JWT Token Auth by running this command:
Please refer to this link for further explanation about how to integrate JWT Authentication on laravel :
Migrate the database using this command
After everything is set up, you can try running this command to see if the Laravel project can be run in your local computer
You can check if the Laravel project is successfully running by typing this url into your browser (adjust the port with your server configuration)
Import the PostMan API collection file to look at all the list of API needed for the project. Refer to this link for the Postman installation :